
Holistic Spiritual Services

Reiki – online or at our clinic

Are you stuck, want direction, movement and the feeling of lightness within?

In today’s world, we’re all living such busy lifestyles and it can really impact on our peace of mind and health.

If you’re looking for a natural way of healing your mind, body or soul, reiki is a holistic treatment that can help. Reiki can relieve you amazingly the stresses of your daily life.

Dr. Mikao Usui originated this energy healing technique in Japan, and now people all over the world use it to help heal and improve their quality of life. Reiki can help you heal on many levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It provides multiple mental and physical health benefits.


About Reiki

Reiki involves transferring energy by laying on hands for energy healing. I’ve had clients say “Reiki is like having a massage but no one touching me”.

We know that a physical injury or possibly some emotional pain can cause energy to stagnate in the body. Over time, these energy blocks can lead to illness.

Reiki comes in as an alternative treatment that improves the flow of energy around your body. Reiki helps you relax, speeds up healing, and reduces pain.

The incredible power of love, divine energy, and intention connects to source. You just need to believe to receive the power within.

How Reiki can help

Reduce stress

Reduce anxiety

Calm the nervous system

Assist with headaches

Improve focus and cognition

Reduce insomnia

Reduce nausea

Alleviate aches and pains

And much more, the means are endless

Are you ready to be the best version of yourself?

Energy healing

Energy healing in the comfort of your own home

Distance healing is the practice of sending healing energy across time and space.

Energy healing can take different forms, but I specialise in Reiki and card reading.

The practice can help clear energy blocks, reduce stress, and can even help with behavioral change such as breaking an addiction.

My distance energy healing sessions give you the option of being treated in an environment where you feel relaxed and most comfortable.

So while some prefer a more hands-on approach, others value the opportunity to be able to immerse themselves in the treatment within familiar surroundings.  And it also means I’ve been able to help clients from all over the world.


Energy healing

How does distance energy healing work?

It’s understandable for some people to feel a little apprehensive about distant energy healing. But having an open mind is the first step. It’s important I can sense your energy field, and that you’re open to receive the healing.

Energy doesn’t have time or space constraints like our physical senses. Energy flows freely, meaning distance sessions can work the same way as in-person sessions.

All my distance energy healing sessions are personalised. I’ll prepare a treatment plan specific to your energy needs. 

So while the experience is different for each person, so too are the feelings you might get during or after a session. You may feel tingling, waves of energy, or your body temperature could change. Afterwards you’re likely to feel lighter, calmer and more relaxed.

Benefits of distance energy healing

Choose a space that feels right for you

Restore positive energy and balance

Healing can take place anywhere

Reinstate energy levels

No travelling needed

Maximise privacy to allow you to release negative energy

Are you ready to be the best version of yourself?

It’s important to note, energy healings doesn’t directly cure illnesses or diseases. It’s practiced to help people improve their general wellbeing and manage symptoms. Read terms and conditions.

Transformational Coach
Reiki for gratitude

How Reiki for Gratitude changes everything

Gratitude is the “social glue” and backbone to society. While some of us are naturally more grateful than others, those of us who practice gratitude are generally more fulfilled.

Gratitude will ground you in the present. It will give you more confidence, less self-doubt and more peace with yourself. It will stop you lamenting things that have already happened and unnecessarily worrying about the future.

So while many of us would love to find more gratitude within, how do you go about it?

My Reiki for Gratitude session is a one-on-one spiritual teaching. I teach you about protection for your inner self, grounding your energy field and opening yourself to gratitude.

Reiki For Gratitude

Gratitude for Reiki: How It Works

Running for about 1.5hrs, you’ll receive your own personal recording of the training. That way you’ll be able to set yourself up each day with your energy fields geared for gratitude.

Plus if you take up my 8 week Breakthrough: Transform and Create Your Reality Program we’ll potentially cover Reiki for Gratitude as part of the course.

But everyone is different. So it all depends on how your personal journey progresses and if time allows. If we don’t cover it and you’d love to do this session, I’ll offer you a discounted rate.

How Reiki for Gratitude can help

Learn daily gratitude practices

Learn how to cut cords energetic cords

Spiritual awakening

Clear your energy

Learn protection and grounding techniques

Realign yourself

Are you ready to be the best version of yourself?

It’s important to note, protection, grounding and gratitude sessions do not directly cure illnesses or diseases. It’s practiced to help people improve their general wellbeing and manage symptoms. Read terms and conditions.

My reiki session with the lovely Heidi was amazing! Her kindness and passion for assisting and guiding you on your journey radiates from the inside out. I felt completely comfortable and safe in Heidi’s presence and could’ve stayed for hours soaking up her wisdom and beautiful energy… I think I even drifted off to sleep at one point because I was so relaxed and comfortable! Thank you so much for sharing your time with me Heidz – it definitely won’t be my last visit to your little sanctuary ♥

Lauren McMahon

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