
Testimonials for Within Waratah Wellness

Here are some of the kind words my clients have to say

My reiki session with the lovely Heidi was amazing! Her kindness and passion for assisting and guiding you on your journey radiates from the inside out. I felt completely comfortable and safe in Heidi’s presence and could’ve stayed for hours soaking up her wisdom and beautiful energy… I think I even drifted off to sleep at one point because I was so relaxed and comfortable! Thank you so much for sharing your time with me Heidz – it definitely won’t be my last visit to your little sanctuary ♥

Lauren McMahon

My treatment was a life changer, I loved the energy and light I was given, it was a beautiful feeling that radiated within. I must make this a more regular routine as it got me back into a positive state and opened up my creative side. Direction was lacking until Heidi unleashed her power and gave me the spark I needed. I highly recommend you try a treatment from Within Waratah Wellness.


I highly recommend Heidi. Her hypnotherapy has saved me from out of control anxiety and panic attacks. I am now very much in control with the tools Heidi has given me with my “calm anchor”. Heidi is amazing. Her hypnotherapy has also removed the childhood trauma that I suffered for 50+ years. I feel so much lighter and peaceful within. I am now calm, relaxed and at peace. Heidi is the beautiful caring angel who saved me.

Sharon W

Instead of feeling overwhelmed, or inadequate, or guilty, or a million other negative thoughts that my head throws at me, I’m accepting that I am worthy and I can live a beautiful life and sparkle on the good days. But even more importantly on the bad days.


I keep thinking I now have no room for negativity in my body. That space has been taken up with loving, light and happiness. I can’t thank you enough for helping me to release the dark heavy thoughts in my body and replace them with a beautiful new way of thinking. I feel empowered more than ever now. I just want you to know how much you have changed my life and in saying that my entire family thanks you for returning their happy, loving, active mum/wife/daughter back to them.

Serena S

I’ve been a smoker since a young age. Sometimes I would go through a pack a day easily. That was until last Friday. I haven’t had a smoke since and this is all thanks to Heidi from Within Waratah Wellness. I completed a hypnotherapy session and I’ve felt like a non-smoker since. I could not be prouder of myself.

Shane Pearce

Thank you Heidi. You have enabled me and given me the strength, support and tools I neeed to be able to ground myself when I can feel anxiety creeping in. Our sessions have been a gift for me and I’m looking forward to future sessions to enable me further growth.


Thank you for your lovely nurturing email. What a profound experience with you. It just shows you how much you can bury. With the best intentions to seek counselling to work through emotions but you really only scratch the surface. Thank you for your amazing insight as to the role trauma plays in self sabotaging behaviours. It makes sense now and I feel that reaching out to you has been very serendipitous. It gives me goosebumps when you ask the universe for help and it delivers in the most amazing and beautiful way. I’m tearing up (in a good way) just thinking about yesterday’s session and how everything is unfolding.

I needed a change in direction in my life. Heidi’s approach and modalities have transformed my life into a calm positive one giving me clarity and positive goals for my future. I can highly recommend Heidi as an excellent practitioner as well as a genuinely caring person.

Stephen Lack

I reached out to Heidi for help to stop self sabotaging behaviour involving alcohol and cigarettes. I knew I had a problem with moderation. I bought four sessions of hypnotherapy. Heidi is a wonderful support and explained how to move forward by healing trauma through gentle sessions of hypnotherapy and written exercises. I’ve been alcohol and tobacco free for more than 6 months. I have felt a big shift in my thinking and outlook. I feel lighter and focused about the future and my dream to become a professional artist.

Nicole Bester

The best thing I ever did. I had a test recently when a friend came over. We would usually drink and smoke together. He drank and smoked but I had a non alcoholic drink and didn’t crave a cigarette. I reminded myself I am a non smoker and alcohol no longer serves me. Thank you Heidi.

Nikki B

I did hypnotherapy with Heidi a few times and I experienced immediate changes and shifts in my life. She is a great therapist with immense wisdom and the ability to create a safe and trustworthy space.


The session we had on Thursday cleared everything that I’ve been needing to clear for so long I can’t believe the impact your work has done for me I am extremely grateful to you and cannot thank you enough for your much needed help I feel like the weight of the world has been shifted off me.

Stephen L

Heidi has an honest, warm and caring approach to hypnosis. She is authentically loving and brings that authenticity to her process as a practitioner. She delivered above and beyond my expectations. I felt held and guided gently into a deep hypnosis that has changed my life for the better.

Benjamin Hunter

Sharon WardSharon Ward
10:05 25 Jul 23
I highly recommend Heidi, Her Hypnotherapy has saved me from my out of control anxiety and panick attacks. I am very much in control now with the tools Heidi has given me with my "calm anchor". Heidi is amazing, her hyptnotherapy has also removed the childhood trauma that I had suffered for 50+ years, the suffering has ended as it's gone forever, I feel so much lighter & peace within 🙏.I am now calm, relaxed and at peace. She is the beautiful caring Angel who saved me 💖
Lauren McMahonLauren McMahon
05:58 22 Oct 22
My timeline journey with Heidi was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with her each week until all my journey was complete! During these weeks Heidi was always available for me to ask questions, share experiences and just be there to support me in whatever capacity I needed. She’s such a fantastic practitioner and makes you feel as though you are the most important person in the world! When you’re with her in a session, all of Heidi’s attention is on you and what’s happening in your world. She’s caring, kind, wise and creates a space for you to feel safe, supported, non judged and nurtured. I definitely feel like a better person from the inside out, having shed layers of “stuff” that wasn’t doing me any favours! I’d recommend Heidi to anyone who’s looking for help to make changes to become the best version of themselves. Thank you for being so awesome at what you do and guiding me on my self care journey, Heidi. Forever grateful for you and your wisdom 🙏🙏🙏💖
Talula RoseTalula Rose
23:19 09 Aug 21
The Timeline sessions with Heidi opened up my world to a way of being that I didn’t even know existed; it changed who I am for the better and how I do life. I went to Heidi as I had a physical illness and assumed that mentally / emotionally / spiritually I was fine. I thought I was reflective, logical and in-touch, but I now realise that we as humans have so much more and we can’t even begin to understand until we step into this transformation. Heidi makes it simple and easy. I was gently supported each step of the way, so I was energised instead of drained.I wish for everyone to experience this in their lifetime, and as soon as possible. The world would be a very different place if we were all equipped with the knowledge that comes out during these sessions with Heidi. I found and diffused the deepest beliefs that I wasn’t even aware of, that made me react and see things from a perspective that wasn’t productive to relationships or to my own healing. I have seen the ripple effect it has had on those around me. Heidi is unique in so many ways. I have been to see many practitioners for different things, but Heidi offers a combination of approaches. One aspect had practical and logical strategies, one aspect connected me with a deep unconscious level, one was an energetic level of healing, and the overall sense was empowering, renewing, invigorating and has inspired my body to heal. I cannot thank Heidi enough.
Lynda TaylorLynda Taylor
01:40 13 Apr 21
I had never experienced hypnosis and was pretty nervous before my session with Heidi from Within Waratah Wellness. But it was truly a deeply, relaxing experience and one that has carried over into my everyday life, bringing positive changes to my world.I highly recommend Heidi, she is kind, understanding and intuitive. If you want to make beneficial changes in your life she’s the person to see.
Sharon WardSharon Ward
10:05 25 Jul 23
I highly recommend Heidi, Her Hypnotherapy has saved me from my out of control anxiety and panick attacks. I am very much in control now with the tools Heidi has given me with my "calm anchor". Heidi is amazing, her hyptnotherapy has also removed the childhood trauma that I had suffered for 50+ years, the suffering has ended as it's gone forever, I feel so much lighter & peace within 🙏.I am now calm, relaxed and at peace. She is the beautiful caring Angel who saved me 💖
Lauren McMahonLauren McMahon
05:58 22 Oct 22
My timeline journey with Heidi was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with her each week until all my journey was complete! During these weeks Heidi was always available for me to ask questions, share experiences and just be there to support me in whatever capacity I needed. She’s such a fantastic practitioner and makes you feel as though you are the most important person in the world! When you’re with her in a session, all of Heidi’s attention is on you and what’s happening in your world. She’s caring, kind, wise and creates a space for you to feel safe, supported, non judged and nurtured. I definitely feel like a better person from the inside out, having shed layers of “stuff” that wasn’t doing me any favours! I’d recommend Heidi to anyone who’s looking for help to make changes to become the best version of themselves. Thank you for being so awesome at what you do and guiding me on my self care journey, Heidi. Forever grateful for you and your wisdom 🙏🙏🙏💖
Talula RoseTalula Rose
23:19 09 Aug 21
The Timeline sessions with Heidi opened up my world to a way of being that I didn’t even know existed; it changed who I am for the better and how I do life. I went to Heidi as I had a physical illness and assumed that mentally / emotionally / spiritually I was fine. I thought I was reflective, logical and in-touch, but I now realise that we as humans have so much more and we can’t even begin to understand until we step into this transformation. Heidi makes it simple and easy. I was gently supported each step of the way, so I was energised instead of drained.I wish for everyone to experience this in their lifetime, and as soon as possible. The world would be a very different place if we were all equipped with the knowledge that comes out during these sessions with Heidi. I found and diffused the deepest beliefs that I wasn’t even aware of, that made me react and see things from a perspective that wasn’t productive to relationships or to my own healing. I have seen the ripple effect it has had on those around me. Heidi is unique in so many ways. I have been to see many practitioners for different things, but Heidi offers a combination of approaches. One aspect had practical and logical strategies, one aspect connected me with a deep unconscious level, one was an energetic level of healing, and the overall sense was empowering, renewing, invigorating and has inspired my body to heal. I cannot thank Heidi enough.
Lynda TaylorLynda Taylor
01:40 13 Apr 21
I had never experienced hypnosis and was pretty nervous before my session with Heidi from Within Waratah Wellness. But it was truly a deeply, relaxing experience and one that has carried over into my everyday life, bringing positive changes to my world.I highly recommend Heidi, she is kind, understanding and intuitive. If you want to make beneficial changes in your life she’s the person to see.

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